Once upon a time there was an old couple. They were lonely. They decided to end this loneliness by adopting a boy. The End.
Let's say they didn't adopt a boy.
The couple decided to make a boy. With the oven. The made him out of gingerbread and carefully placed him in the oven. Then, after he was cooked all the way they took him out. They talked to him and played with him, but he never played back. Eventually they got bored with him and ate him. The End.
Let's say he was alive somehow.
Then they carefully placed him in the oven. Then, the Gingerbread Man got up. "Hey! I'm alive! Yeah! Hooray! Hoo...why is it so hot in here? I feel like I'm being...cooked!!! Help! Help! Let me out! Help!!! Aaaaaaaaagh! Help!" said the Gingerbread Man. "Do you hear something Thelma?" said the old man. "Oh, of course not, George. You and I both know we can't hear anymore." said the old lady. The End.
Let's say he survived the heat.
Then the Gingerbread Man got up. "Hey! I'm alive! Hooray! Hooray! Hooray!" Then they took the Gingerbread Man out of the oven. "Hi there!" said the Gingerbread Man. The old couple screamed. "Don't worry. I won't hurt..." Splat! The old lady lifted up her broom. "I think it's dead George." said the old lady. "I certainly hope so." said the old man. The End
Let's say they were not afraid of a talking cookie.
Then they took out the Gingerbread Man. "Hi there!" he said. "Oh, how cute. Now we won't be lonely anymore." said the old lady. They talked to him and played with him and lived happily ever after. The End.
Let's say he ran away with an annoying chant for some reason.
Then they took the Gingerbread Man out of the oven. "So long!" said the Gingerbread Man. "Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man." It turns out they could. The End.
Let's say he was fast.
Then the Gingerbread Man ran away sayng "Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man." then he ran by some kids. "Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man." They caught and ate him. The End
Let's say he was really fast.
Then he zoomed by the kids and he ran by a dog. "Run, run as fast as you can, you can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man." The dog chased the Gingerbread Man and bit him in half. Then he ate the rest of the Gingerbread Man. The End.
Let's say he was really, really fast.
Then he got past the dog. But he got to a bridgeless river. He tried to swim. He sank to the bottom of the river were he was devoured by fishes.. The End.
Let's say he saw a fox.
Then before he decided to try swimming he saw a fox. The fox said "I'll get you across Gingerbread Man." "Okay!" said the Gingerbread Man. So he hopped on the fox and the fox took him to the middle of the river were he ate him. The End.
Let's say... wait a minute he's supposed to die. Never mind.
This shows that this story could probably happen (well, the Gingerbread Man getting eaten at least.) The moral of the story is to never trust a fox. They're always evil. Trust me.
Dylan Giles.